How do I join LLMC?
Go to the Membership section, download the application form, complete it and either post it to the address given or email it to mbellwood55@gmail.com.
Why are some shows members only?
This is usually because space is limited by situations outside our control. It can still be possible for non-members to attend but priority must be given to members of LLMC. Non-member applications go on a waiting list until it becomes clear what space we have.
Do I need a pass to attend all shows?
No, some of our gatherings are on a turn up and leave as you please between certain times. If passes are required the application form will be in the Members section of the website. Passes are sent out after the closing date for entries which is 14 days before the show.
Do you operate a paperless option?
Yes we do. LLMC are actively trying to promote this as it will reduce admin costs and make us more efficient. This in turn will help to keep future subscription price increases down to a minimum. If you are happy to receive all communications via email send an email to mbellwood55@gmail.com stating that you are happy to receive communications in this way. Stamped addressed envelopes will of course continue to operate alongside electronic communications.
​How do I get access to the Members section of the website?
Firstly you must be a member of LLMC. Then go to More then Members then click on New to this site? Sign up then complete the details in the Sign Up box.
When I try to join the Members Section and select the images containing planes, tractors etc these images keep re-appearing on the screen, why is this?
It is because you haven't select all the correct images. This will keep happening until you get it right.
Why are times of arrival and departure given for some shows?
Generally it is when we are supporting an event hosted by a third party. If they advertise that classic cars will be on display between certain times it reflects badly on them and LLMC if they are not.
How do I list items FOR SALE?
Email your advert to our website administrator tjthickett@aol.com for sanctioning prior to it being listed on the website.